19 Apr 2023

19.04.2023 A-a-a-ah. 😌


 Wednesday 19th 45F. Another day of bright sunshine. Museum day. A perfect opportunity to go on my e-bike. And so I did. 

 12.30 Safely home from the museum. Where I spent the morning collecting straw after the thatchers had finished. They did an amazing job on all of the museum buildings. 

 The ridge material was replaced. A routine operation with a few years intervals. The previous hay being dropped to the ground. To be collected by the volunteers. It contains lots of moss and can vary from lightweight straw to earth like material. 

 The wind didn't help and it was surprisingly strong inside the enclosed courtyard. It is quite hard work to collect the debris. Lots of raking and bending down to pick up bundles by hand or by antique fork. 

 Riding home was against a NE wind. About 45º to my direction of travel. It was gusty and its force greatly exaggerated by my own speed. Making it quite tiring. I should have reduced the levels in my hearing aids but forgot. The roaring in my ears probably made it seem worse than it was.

 I really need to do something about the handlebars. I am leaning forwards while riding and this throws my weight onto my hands and wrists. I may be able to reduce the load by raising the handlebars. This may help by lowering my forward lean slightly. I have the saddle as far back as possible. To use my C of G to counterbalance my upper body. I have rotated the bars downwards at the grips. This didn't help. A shorter handlebar extension [or stem] night help too.

  I have fitted the dark brown B17 which I had store for years without fitting it. It looked shorter than the 30cm B17 "Special" fitted to my trike. This one is only 28cm. So they must have sent me a women's saddle when I ordered it.

 Very odd. The B17 Gents is listed as 28cm. My e-bike has me sitting more upright than on my trike. I wonder if I should consider a city saddle instead? I'll try the unused brown B17 anyway and see how I get on. It is much flatter across the back than the C17 Cambium. Which I find very hard and uncomfortable. Just as I did with my earlier C17 on the trike. 

 With the new saddle fitted I rode off to do some vital shopping. I was wearing a pair of Wiggle racing shorts. So balancing on the shiny, new B17 was like a clown balancing on a giant, glass ball in a circus act. The saddle was hard as marble as well! 

 There was a gale blowing at 45º again, but worse. I was being pushed all over the busy road as cars zoomed past. As I had lots of reserve battery charge I dropped into Sport and cruised at 30km/h.

 Grocery shopping was concluded. While I was in the village I visited the friendly bike shop. Where, quite unexpectedly, I found a selection of real, leather saddles. 

 My attention was immediately drawn to a coil sprung, 3-seater sofa/settee. Just what I was looking for! Allegedly made by Brooks but labelled Contec "Exclusive Classic." It had all the hallmarks of a quality Brooks product but was rather more affordable. Most importantly it was broad gauge! 210mm wide x 270 long.  And no, I don't have a fat bum! I am a skinny 75kg whippet. So stop sniggering at the back!  😏

 Sold! I asked them to demount the saddle from the Brooks-like packaging. So I could fit it straight away. Which would save me the painful ride home on the shiny, new B17.  Only to discover I had left my tool kit in the hall back at home. The shop was busy. So I wasn't going to bother them by asking for a suitable hex key. I know they wouldn't have minded.

  So I had to balance on the shiny, new B17 for the ride home anyway. Still in my baggy, old racing shorts, clown style. Now the wind was aiming for my other shoulder but from behind and I could cruise at 40km/hr again in Sport mode. With the rush hour traffic now brushing past. 

 It sounds daft but I still haven't fully mastered 2-wheel cycling yet. I spent so many years on the trike that I rather lost the knack. Which was one of the reasons I went out in such windy weather today. I need all the practice I can get! In all weather conditions. 

 The e-bike is big and heavy as well. So it has a completely different feel to a twitchy, racing bike. Now I practice riding along the white lines on the verge. Or on the bike lane without deviating.

 As soon as I arrived home I swapped saddles. The new one is like your favourite, leather armchair, but wider. Instant comfort! I rode up and down the drive to be sure. My bony bits were still sore from today's four rides. So it was a good and fair test. I felt absolutely lovely! 😊 Without being soft and squishy like vinyl! 

 From L-R: C17, B17 and Contec Classic Exclusive [B67 copy but much improved.]

 I haven't a care in the world about its weight. 850g. Appearance is a matter of taste and this one does it for me. I chose black to match my stealth Moustache. [French e-bike] Though brand new, the leather wasn't even slippery. Comfort is now my only priority. I have loads of Brook's Proofide leather treatment. I shall need a bucket full to treat that broad, leather back.

 Tomorrow promises more sunshine. So it will be tested properly. From now on I shall have to carry a brand new, supermarket carrier bag. To protect it from the rain. The Brooks B17 waterproof covers are too narrow. Well, not quite. Something else to carry in my panniers. Just in case. 

 Dinner was mackerel on toast. Followed by soup. You know what that looks like.


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