28 Mar 2023

28.03.2023 Frost, hail, bread and sunshine.


 Tuesday 28th -2C/28F. White frost, but bright and clear. Wasting time trying to fix the prop stand. I needed a hex socket screw of shorter length than those I had available. 

 08.30 It is now too late to ride to the cooking class. So I am warming up the car. Which is covered in frost and pea-sized hail frozen onto the windows and bodywork. The image is from the tarpaulin trailer cover.

14.00 Dry and sunny. 6C/43F. Safely home from a bread making & baking session. There were seven of us today.

This was my effort.  It looked amazing! Tasted great! 😁

15.30 7C/45F. Bright but cloudy. I am going shopping on the e-bike. Maintained 90 rpm in Tour mode. 25-35kph. It rained and hailed on the way home. So I put it in Sport mode and cruised at 35-40kph. Still hard work on the legs. 25km. Average speed 26kph. Average cadence 83rpm.

Since we made only bread today, there was no proper, cooked lunch. So I am going to make dinner this evening. I bought some sausages this afternoon. So I shall probably go with oven chips, fried egg and sausages. I'll try the chips on a higher shelf in the mini oven. To get them properly crisp and brown. That "Somebody" hasn't done the washing up for two days! 😳

 I washed up while the chips were becoming proper chips. Both took 20 minutes. Which left me with a huge half sausage to cook from scratch. The package said a couple of minutes each side to brown and then 12.5 minutes more. Turning at intervals I eventually cut the half sausage in half again. That worked. It all looks burnt but really wasn't.

 The egg went in last and promptly exploded in the hot fat. Though miraculously the yolk survived and remained runny. I gave the chips a final couple of minutes to re-warm in the mini oven. It wasn't enough but they were crisp, brown and edible. As was everything else. 

 Next time I will cut the half sausage into four. I will start cooking the sausage as the chips go in on the top shelf. I will start warming the plate on top of the mini oven at the same time. The washing up can wait for another day! Now I have to find another meal for the second half of the sausage. Something with gravy? My first solo at mashed potato? Mashing the potatoes was one of the few tasks my wife asked me to do in the kitchen.


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