5 Jul 2022

5.07.2022 New boots and panties!


 Tuesday 5th 61F, bright overcast. Up at 7am after dozing from 4am. My leg and shoulders are  hurting. I can explain the leg but not my shoulders. I don't remember doing much yesterday. A spot of blood has come through the centre of the dressing. It feels a bit tender around the site of the wound.

 I have twice failed on the kitchen front. My fish fingers were still cold after ten minutes in the frying pan. They were jostling for space with a load of mushrooms. So they never heated up despite being turned.

 The best, enamelled, cast iron frying pan is simply too small. There is a large, stainless steel frying pan in the cupboard. I may have to upsize to compensate for my inadequate cooking skills.

 This morning I discovered I had forgotten a half pack of mushrooms at the bottom of a cupboard. I have no recollection of having put them there. They stank and had to go straight out to the bin. I put the extractor fan on to speed the removal of the horrible smell. Yesterday I had put the smell down to bags of onions and potatoes sheltering from the light. I hope they haven't absorbed the stink!

8.15. Plans for today: Walk first. Then my hearing test at 10.20 in town. 

9.15  The weather was perfect for the first half of my walk to the lanes. Comfortably warm in a t-shirt. With a pleasant, cooling wind moving the tall grasses. Bright patches and shadows crossed the ripening crops. Lighting  up the landscape in slow motion against a leaden backdrop. 

 The second half provided black clouds overhead and a light shower. I jogged home in fear of a drenching but it soon petered out. Scattered showers are now promised. So no ride into town for my hearing test. I was quite looking forward to a 20 mile ride. 

 The hearing test threw up some anomalies. Apart from my obvious deafness. They carried out a wax clearance first, of course. [Pass the shovel] After I had been tested I left but they called me back in for an immediate retest. The huge difference in sensitivity between my ears concerned them. So they have ordered a CT scan. Just as a precaution. As well as a visit to the big city hospital for a health service, hearing aid appointment. Probably a longer wait for the latter.  

 Since the repair of the chainsaw had not cost me an arm and a leg I splashed out. No, not blood! Well, not yet.

 I bought the cheapest safety boots in the builder's merchants. Tall enough to keep the sawdust off my socks. My old safety shoes are at least 15 years old and far too low to protect my socks.

 I have wasted hours picking chainsaw wood chips off my socks. The wool socks are years old and mostly worn out. As is my underwear. Most of which is full of holes. So I bought a new pair of boxer shorts from the supermarket. And no [again] I will not modelling the underwear. Not while I am sporting a wound dressing. You will just have to be patient. 😉

 16.30. Now on my 4th washing cycle today. Sawed logs for nearly half an hour until the battery went flat. It looks like rain anyway. So I'll have early afternoon tea and a toasted roll with marmalade.

 18.00 5th cycle of the washing machine. I'm hoping it stays dry despite the forecast of scattered showers. The 10m long washing line is full. I was looking at an aluminium, rotary clothes drier in town but wondered about its working life. They seem very lightly built. This must have been a budget model because they go up in price well beyond £100 equivalent. 

 A rotary clothes drier looks "posher" than a traditional, linear washing line. Takes up much less room and can be sited where it is wanted. Rather than needing tall supports at each end. The house and a tree, in my case. It used to be the big chestnut but that is now an ex-tree.

19.00 62F Dinner will be a salmon pasty, frozen organic peas and boiled organic potatoes.

20.00 It turned out fine! 😋


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