29 Jul 2022

29.07.2022 New sunglasses! ๐Ÿ˜Ž


  Friday 29th  48/9CF. Calm with a bright start. A sunny day is promised. Winds light from changeable directions. Up before 5am. No ill effects from yesterday's ride. 

 A longer walk today. One hour and twenty five minutes. Down to the village and up the track to the woods. Fought my way through the brambles again. Wended my way through the beech wood. Then down by the steep track to the next village. To walk home against the traffic. 139 pictures so far.

 I saw a solitary hare in the distance. The clouds were quite pretty at times. That lightly brushed look.

 12.00 69F/20C. Just returning from shopping and making more charity donations. I am adding to my socks and underwear from the supermarket. My old stuff is completely worn out. Most of my T-shirts are full of holes.

 I found a new pair of sunglasses in the supermarket for £8 equivalent. My old pair literally fell in half on yesterday's ride. They were years old. The new pair look quite sturdy. Deliberately chosen from the few available. I will always remember being in an upmarket cycle shop in Odense. A proud father was helping his cycling child choose a new pair of cycling sunglasses. In the £150 plus range! I suppose the boy was about ten or eleven. I hope his interest in cycling lasted.  

 15.20 71F/21C. I have been going through my late wife's papers again. Discarding the irrelevant. Envelopes and continuously repeated, form letters. Sorting the mixed into some context. Stirring up old memories. I'm now on my 4th laundry load in the washing machine. It makes weird noises as if there is somebody else in the house. Being alone magnifies every sound. Even my tummy rumbling. Or my breathing.

 17.00 72F/22. I moved onto clearing the balcony room floor. It has become a bit of a dumping area. For stuff I don't want to deal with for the moment. Old habits from when it was invisible and all but inaccessible storage for two decades. Half done. Sweeping raised a load of old dust. I'd better vacuum instead.

 18.45.70F/21C. I have just reached the other end of the balcony floor. Now everything is in the middle! Another trailer full of stuff to go to the recycling yard. I dropped it out of the window onto the back lawn. To save traipsing downstairs with it all. It was mostly cardboard boxes. I am trying to be more disciplined about discarding them.

 19.00 Dinner was baked cod in breadcrumbs. With mushrooms and fried tomatoes. A half tin of Heinz tomato soup was finished off with a bread roll.

 21.30 62F. I have loaded the trailer with all the recycling stuff from the balcony. Including the large carpet. Which never found a proper home here. The balcony room floor is cleaner now. Than it has been since I put the floorboards down years ago. 

 There was very little floor to be seen for as far back as I can remember. Mostly my own junk. Bought cheaply but too "valuable" to be thrown away. The bare floor now seems enormous! Reality is the 45ยบ sloping ceilings. Narrowing the useful standing room. Like the rest of the attic. Where we lived and slept for 26 years. 

 Downstairs was cold in winter. Despite the old wood stove. So we climbed the steep stairs endlessly. To where it felt more comfortable. The TV and computer were always up here. Or rather a series of them. As the years flew by, largely unnoticed. Each overfull hard drive forcing an upgrade. New technology and failure to start slowly expanding the screen sizes. Perfect hindsight is a piss poor tool for living in real time. Nothing, can ever be undone. My tears do not wash away my sins of omission.   

 The last wash today was my cycling clothing. Several jerseys and padded, racing shorts. I had been waiting to accumulate enough for a machine wash. Hand washing makes more sense. The few items have gone out overnight on the clothes airer. Which might be a bit silly. Since they were almost dry. A heron flew silently, low overhead. As I hung the washing out.

 I went back out later and brought the cycling clothing into the greenhouse. No point in it getting wetter with overnight dew. 

 11.00 I kept falling asleep while watching YouTube. My loud breathing woke me up. Bed time!


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