1 Oct 2024

1st October 2024


  Tuesday 1st Oct. 50F/10C [9.00] Heavily overcast, windy and raining. 64F indoors.

 Up at 7.40 after a slightly disturbed night and weird dreams.

 I just caught the start of a shower on my t-shirts. Having hung them outside to air overnight in the wind. They must have dried because the falling raindrops were highly visible. Now the greenhouse clothes line is over-decorated.

 I'll visit my friend later, as usual. In the Morris. Gales and rain are not much fun on a bike. Not even with an electric motor to aid forward progress.

 13.00 54F/12C. Returned from a drive to visit my friend. Shopped on the way home. The earlier rain has stopped and the gales subsided.


